Arabesque tile takes their distinctive shape from design in the middle east. Arabesque tile is a popular choice for many homes as they give the appearance of movement and have beautiful curved lines but fit together nicely in a pattern.
However, arabesque tiles aren’t just for walls. Try a large arabesque floor tile in an entryway or an arabesque mosaic tile floor in the bathroom. Arabesque floor tile provides drama and visual interest, meaning your room will definitely be a conversation starter.
Arabesque tile comes in a variety of sizes and colors. Some of the more popular shades include blue arabesque tile, gray arabesque tile, and white arabesque tile. The blue arabesque tile gives nod to stunning colors of the ocean, while the white arabesque tile is almost cloud-like. And gray arabesque tile is a perfect neutral that will go with any décor.
Arabesque floor tile and arabesque wall tile aren’t limited in material options either. They come as porcelain, ceramic, and arabesque glass tiles. These glass tiles are mostly available as arabesque mosaic tile meaning they are on easy to install sheets.
Whatever the look of your home, bring the beauty and motion of an arabesque tile in to give your space an instant upgrade.